Personal Beliefs

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As we grow up in this world of choices, we are taught certain principles by our parents that as we grow up define us in who we became as teenagers and adults. We can choose many different paths in this life whether they be selfish or selfless because we all are taught different principles because of the background in which we come from. My own personal beliefs tell me that we need to be kind, and that we need to live our lives with courage. There are a host of quotes that I like to live by and keep in mind. These quotes are what make me and my beliefs. The main quote that I like is from the Hobbit. It starts when Galadriel, the Elf queen asks Gandolph, “Why the halfing?” Gandolph responds, “Saramon believes it’s only a great power that can …show more content…

It just depends on what you do with it.” We need to live each day with courage. This fire that I carry inside of me defines who I am as a whole. Showing true courage is not just how I present myself in public or by myself it is wearing the same mask that I present to others that I wear when no one is around. This fire shows how I react to different situations. I somehow need this fire; I want to know how I will do in a high pressure situation whether it is standing up to my friends or a life and death situation. Maybe that’s the reason that I have joined the military. What will I do under fire? When it comes down to the man on my right and the man on my left I have to ask myself will I cower and hide or will I stand up and put myself in front of the enemy. I also take this into account with school problems such as bulling. Will I stand by and watch that person get bullied or will I stand up and stop it? I always tell myself to say something when I see it but for some reason the words don’t come. Is it that I am afraid of what will come at me when I stand up and move in front of the enemy? Is it that I don’t want to feel the pain when I am mocked? When it comes down to the things like this we all need to ask ourselves, what will I do? Will I stand up and speak out and take the pain or will I choose to curl up and be forgotten. The choice comes down to who we really are and listening to that inner

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