Kathie Snow: People First Language

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After reading “People First Language” by Kathie Snow, the first thing that came to my mind was the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I have never agreed with this saying because words can inflict pain just like sticks and stones. Words really do matter. Kathie Snow believed that other people’s attitude towards others is the greatest obstacle facing people with disabilities. According to Kathie Snow (2010), “The real problem is never a person’s disability, but the attitudes of others! A change in our attitudes leads to changes in our actions. Attitudes drive actions” (P. 2). I completely agree with Kathie Snow in this regard because this is more than just language; it is the attitudes we have towards …show more content…

2). Some people may not be able to do things that others can, but that does not mean they are unable to accomplish those things that others can. We seem to live in a world where the able-bodied among us are considered normal, and everyone else must work harder to be considered normal. This way of thinking distracts the way we see and talk to others, and the words we choose to use. Nobody is broken. I remember a friend casually describing my cousin Michael as broken because he was in a wheel chair and could not move his legs. I remember thinking, “He is not broken; he just cannot walk.” I was disappointed that someone would even label him that way. I do not think of Michael as disabled or broken, he just cannot walk. Michael is tall, funny, and always has a joke to tell me. Michael needs to use a wheelchair, but that does not define …show more content…

Kathie Snow mentions that a “problem” reflects a need (2010, P. 2). For instance, instead of saying a person who suffers from cerebral palsy, we should say, a person with cerebral palsy. Also, rather than calling someone mentally retarded, we can say, someone with an intellectual disability. It is degrading when we label people. We must focus on the individuals first. People with disabilities are seen as someone who cannot live a normal life because they cannot do what other people can do. I believe that Kathie Snow calls her company Disability is Natural because disability is a natural part of life that does not lessen the right of individuals with disabilities to enjoy the opportunity to live in our society. Disability is a normal part of life. The way we view disabilities can change when we can see that disability is a natural part of

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