Peach Pear Plum Essay

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A story could lack its framework without a narrative structure, such as the plot, “the chronological sequence of events” (Gardner, 2017b, p. 7), and the point of view, how the plot is told to the audience.
Story Plot
S Each Peach Pear Plum has a simplified version of the detailed model of a story plot. A story's plot reveals 9 key sections during a detailed model of a story plot, such as the aperture, exposition, inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement, conclusion, and the coda (Gardner, 2017b, p. 9). The merging of sections into other parts of Each Peach Pear Plum indicates its simplified story plot. For example, the aperture, the opening line, and the exposition, “introduction of characters and “setting (Gardner, …show more content…

Multimodality is the usage of multiple semiotic systems in a story (Gardner, 2017c, p. 9) and these semiotic systems are referring to signs and their meanings. The audience of Each Peach Pear Plum are able to generate meaning from the text with the use of the four semiotic systems, linguistic, visual, gestural, and audio (Anstey & Bull, 2009, p. 28), which are clear throughout the book. The linguistic semiotic systems in the book include minimal use punctuation with no commas, full stops and using ellipsis’s on the last two pages to show the conclusion. Also the linguistic semiotic may include the poetic structure of the text and how every line rhymes. The visual semiotic systems are represented in the book in the still pictures on each page. Within the pictures the audience can easily find the characters that the author is speaking about but can also find the preceding character in the background. Putting both characters in the picture assists in linking of the story together. Additionally the pictures in the book elaborate on what the characters are doing. For example, on the last page the illustrator depicts all the characters feasting on pie while he author makes no mention of this and only writes

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