Paying Students for Good Grades

717 Words2 Pages

Students should be paid for having good grades. According to Psychology Today the United States has fallen behind other nations in education. In addition to this, approximately every one in four students in the U.S. drops out of school before graduation. The main reason for this is that students have little to no motivation. Students are either bored by school, or they are distracted by the other things that go on in their lives such as sports, jobs, friends and their own family life. Although learning has its own rewards, some students respond better to money. This essay explains how students will be paid and the reasons that they should receive money for getting good grades. Some reasons that students should be paid are: if students received rewards for having good grades fewer students would drop out, graduates would be better educated, people would seek higher education, less crime would be committed, less people would rely on the government and graduates would be more qualified for better jobs.
In 2009, an experiment by MDRC was processed in two community colleges in Louisiana State for low-income students. One group of students was offered $1,000 each semester if they could attend college at least half time, and maintain an average above a C while another group did not receive the supplement. Paid participants were 30% more likely to register for a second semester than students who were not offered the supplemental financial aid. These students also earned more credits and were more likely to maintain an above C average. This result fully shows that cash incentives help students.
In order for this system to work the best students with A’s will need to receive sixty percent of the total money spent by students bad grades an...

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...ople committing violent crimes. If students got paid for having good grades then they would be less likely to commit crimes such as murder, assault and grand theft auto. The economy of the U.S.A. gains by paying students to get through high school and go beyond. There are many estimates out there evaluating just the cost benefit that can be gained from having students graduate high school and it seems that as a country we can save anywhere from two to seven thousand dollars for each student who completes high school. This is only taking into account the criminal savings from people that graduate from high school. Not to mention there are also huge financial gains by paying people to get good grades. High school and college graduates are more likely to contribute to the national GDP and less likely to rely on social welfare programs. These savings can be fantastic.

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