Patient-Centered Disorders: A Case Study

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Patient-Centered Variables
Patient-centered variables can negatively impact perioperative care, particularly within the intraoperative and postoperative stages. Lifespan considerations, such as infants and older adults, put clients at increased risk for adverse outcomes, including perioperative hypothermia. Immature thermoregulatory functioning combined with the use of anesthesia are contributing factors for infants developing hypothermia intraoperatively, but recent studies indicate that the use of a forced-air warming system in operating rooms significantly reduces client risk (Witt, Dennhardt, Eich, Mader, Fischer, Brauer & Sumpelmann, 2013). Factors that impair thermoregulation in older adults include declining metabolic rates and decreased muscle mass (Pearson, 2015). Current perioperative nursing implications for maintaining thermoregulation in this high risk …show more content…

Clear communication is particularly important when considering perioperative nursing assessments and miscommunication has the potential for adverse client outcomes. Ineffective communication within perioperative care can result in negative outcomes, such as medication errors or wrong site surgery. In order to reduce this risk, the Universal Protocol calls for a time out, which occurs immediately before a procedure and the surgical team reviews information such as identifying the patient, the correct site for surgery and reviewing relevant data such as patient medications and laboratory results (Burke et al., 2016). Nonverbal communication is a critical skill in nursing and can enhance assessments by confirming or contradicting verbal messages from clients (Pearson, 2015). Interpreting nonverbal cues such as posturing, gestures and facial expressions enhances communication between the client and nurse and can be particularly useful in postoperative pain

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