Passionate About Skateboarding Research Paper

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I am a passionate person, but one of the things that I am most passionate about is skateboarding. I feel this way because skateboarding is not just a sport, it is a way of living. Skateboarding will not only teach you new ways to approach things, but it changes the way you look at different objects and scenes. You may cock an eye brow at what I just said, but I could not describe it any other way. For an example, any time that a group friends or I pass by a stair set we always count the stairs, no matter how big or small. I like to think of it as a small tick that our brains will not let us get rid of, it is almost like a small case of “O.C.D.” we also always examine the handrail along with the stairs to see if we could do any tricks down …show more content…

While most people just see a stair set, or a wall, a roadblock barrier, ECT.. but what I am saying is a normal person would not think these absurd things. Sometimes people will ask me “why is skateboarding my favorite sport?” Why do you not play basketball, or something with a team? I always answer, “there are infinitely many reasons why I love my piece of wood with wheels.” “but if I had to choose one reason, it would be that although skateboarding is an individual sport, we are all united, much more than any silly team. We aren’t trying to beat …show more content…

That is exactly what I do everyday when I go skating. This makes skating so much more fun. Learning new tricks may be hard, but in the end, it’s very much worth it. When I first started skateboarding, I learned an ollie, which is the very first trick you learn because it is the most basic and is used to learn every other trick. From there, I would just watch skateboard videos and try to learn from the pros. Until I could do a trick, trying to figure out how they did it was the hard part, but when I finally found out how it was done I would become excited and try to land it for hours. Whenever I would land the trick, I’d become very proud of myself and practice the trick more. When you land a trick you have never done before, it forces you to want to learn more. After you learn a trick you can show it to friends and show off if you wanted to. It’s too good of a time to learn new tricks. New tricks or variations can be made up or you can just learn tricks that have already been made. Skateboarding has an endless possibility of tricks to be made. There are just so many variations of one trick, or sometimes you can mix two or more tricks together and you just go crazy with it. When you learn new tricks, you can bring those tricks to new obstacles which will make skateboarding even more

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