Parenting Styles Paper

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The question I have interested for a long time was “how does culture affect parenting styles and how parenting is different in Asian and American culture?” I read this article called, “Acculturation, Psychological Adjustment, and Parenting Styles of Chinese Immigrant Mothers in the United States” by Jing Yu and Charissa Cheah. This article is from TCC library online website under articles and databases and it is categorized as psychology articles. The article was focused on the direct and indirect relations between the behavioral acculturation of Chinese immigrant mothers in the United States and their parenting styles and practices. They are conducting some kind of survery or experiment to make a hypothesis for the test result. The two main parenting styles are authoritative and authoritarian. American culture parenting style is mostly authoritative because they value independence, …show more content…

According to the study, this parenting style is characterized by warmth and responsiveness, respect for and encouragement of children’s autonomy, and disciple through reasoning and induction, is highly endorsed. On the other hand, Chinese parents tend to use more authoritarian parenting that is described as physical coercion, verbal hostility, and frequent use of punitive discipline strategies, and less authoritative parenting. “Chinese culture emphasizes interdependence and emotional restraint to maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships as well as fillial piety affording great authority and respect to parents.” However, Chinese mothers in the U. S. Endorsed American culture of parenting to teach their children for their good development. Some issues have rised between their culture and American culture. According the study, it says that parents’ psychological functioning is the most infulential factor contributing to parenting, and may medate the eefects contextual stress or support on parenting behavior.

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