Parenting Style Thesis

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Thesis Statement Parenting styles have the capacity of influencing a child’s social, cognitive, and psychological growth, which would then affect the child both in their childhood years, and as an adult. Introduction Growing up, everyone has different upbringings and everyone develops in different ways or at different rates. Their social class, social background, and or gender identities play a large role in the way which they perceive the world and in the way that the world perceives them. According to Vgotsky social interactions play a crucial role in the development of cognition. This term refers to the mental processes that are involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. These processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging …show more content…

This parenting style is very undemanding but also very responsive. Permissive parents tend to shower their children with love and affection and involve themselves in their lives. However, they tend to have few to no rules and limitations and therefore have no expectations for their children. They exert a lax pattern of parenting in which they make relatively few demands, permit their children to freely express their feelings and impulses, do not closely monitor their children’s activities, and rarely exert firm control over their behavior (Shaffer & Kipp, 2013). This type of parenting style is not the most beneficial but also not the most negative. The fact that permissive parents make an effort to be involved is a good sign however, the lack of structure is not entirely the best parenting technique. They seem to focus more on being their child’s friend then being their child’s parent. Because of this, they raise children with less favorable developmental outcomes. Not only are they impulsive and aggressive who come off as rude but they also tend to be spoiled and self centered with very little

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