Paper on Character

952 Words2 Pages

It is essential to build an abundance of leadership and life skills that prime an individual for success. There are an infinite amount of talents and abilities that can allow one to be a great leader and make an impact in all aspects of life, even when facing common adversity. With practice, a numerous amount of habits can also be formed that aid in self-development. Being able to do things, such as following directions can be a direct correlation to becoming a great leader, and finding the path to success. Consistency, along with the creation of a respectable work ethic, are also essential abilities to have in the arsenal that a great leader should have. Combining such skills creates a dynamic blend which allows a leader to gain the respect, trust, and obedience that one needs to lead. Without developing abilities, which are in no manner limited to a specific amount, it is impossible for one to not only to be an effective leader, but to lead at all. Which is why the importance of self- development cannot be overstressed.
The ability to be a good follower of directions, comes along with several beneficial perks. Not just for the obvious reason such as being able to complete tasks correctly. However, when fully developed, something that seems so simple carries a great deal of weight. Following directions allows for one to be more efficient in the jobs to be completed. Getting things done within reasonable timing and also leaves little room for error. If one is able to follow the strict guidelines provided, there becomes a less chance of dissatisfaction. Something as simple as the ability to do things correctly, also carries the individual who possesses such skills. It speaks volumes for itself and impresses those in ...

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... who is what, we inspire to be allows us to see what we may become, and gain insight on the full capacity of what we are doing.
The importance of having good leadership skills and connections, cannot be overly stressed. Combining good skills along with drive and determination is the true key to success. If an individual cannot learn to fully develop themselves, they cannot truly lead, nor will they be a dynamic component to groups they are a part of. Developing skills such as these can carry one to all places they desire to go and beyond. However, failure to do so could be self- destructive. Following instructions, being consistent, and having a great work ethic, are all admirable factors to have. With these skills intact, it would be easy for one to gain power and lead those who chose to follow, in the proper direction to achieve and maintain true success.

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