Palamon Essay: The Theme Of Order And Chaos

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Throughout the entire story, the theme of order and chaos reigns. Order is defined as everything working in a methodical and beneficial way (Oxford). Disorder then causes a state of confusion and chaos which harms everything around it (Oxford). One who creates disorder to the Medieval is a sinner. For to the Medievals doing the right thing is to be orderly. Unlike modern day in the Middle Ages, the people would have understood the world is naturally an orderly place. Throughout the story, it can be seen that love is so powerful that it can conquer fear,self-preservation, will and reason. Thus, when chaos is created it affects them and the people around them. For chaos snowballs and leads to the creation of more chaos. All of the chaos in
This begs the question is a thing that is believed to be good relative to the situation. For does love cause chaos or does its path merely lead through chaos to temper to person passing through to strengthen him for what is to come? For the purest gold is tempered in the hottest flame. Then should one fear love because of the chaos or run towards it. In this story love conquered honour reason and self preservation. This leads to chaos but for Palamon the ends probably justified the means and chaos created. In the end time ends all chaos and restores order to the world. For with Archita’s story ending Palamon story of love has just begun. The Knight probably told this tale to try to understand why there was so much chaos and war in God 's perfect and orderly earth. Also how good things such as love can be so destructive. This could possible parallel the knight in wars in which chaos is made in pursuit of passion and love. Love would have generally been considered a good thing in the Medieval context yet like in the tale of Troy it can be extremely destructive. If one watches the world one would be depressed because it seems that it is a series of chaos and destruction,as one thing is solved and two more rise up. Perhaps he wondered if there was ever an ending to chaos if not perhaps it was his role to contain it. Some may see stopping chaos like a man on a beach throwing a bucket of water into the ocean in the face of an oncoming tsunami. The gods resolving it once and for all in the end could parallel that in the end God controls all and has a plan for everything. In the end God makes everything work out for good and restores

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