Overcoming Thalassophobia

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The ocean is the most amazing as well as the most mysterious place in the world, with hundreds of new species being discovered every year, in a place that takes about 70% of the earth's surface. This always makes people think, “What else is out there?”. Thalassophobia is the fear of the ocean, a fear that countless people in the world suffer from. There is no clear number of people who suffer from thalassophobia, but there are multiple online groups dedicated to the phobia, with one of those having about 80,000 members. It is understandable for people to have thalassophobia, as stated before, it is the most mysterious place in the world. With the majority of the ocean being unexplored, comes the thought of the thousands, possibly hundreds …show more content…

Overcoming thalassophobia, like overcoming any phobia, is difficult, but there are several types of therapy that have shown positive results in overcoming fear of the ocean. Two of these are Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy (NLP). Hypnotherapy involves deep relaxation (under the guidance of a trained practitioner), and helps the therapist find the root cause of the phobia. NLP helps one understand the minds creation of reality, helping the victim literally “reprogram their mind”. This will create a response different than that normal to the victim when confronting the fear. There is an abundant amount of people who don’t trust therapy, believing it to be a waste of money (like my Grandpa does). Due to this there is ordinarily other means of overcoming thalassophobia, like “needle-less Acupuncture” and through the use of energy psychology. We must also understand that the ocean is more than likely safe, with instances of ocean related deaths being far less than road accident deaths. It is through this understanding that can help people rationalize the fear. Exposing oneself to the ocean can, overtime, also help overcome thalassophobia, like with

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