Overcoming Adversity In The United States

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Gerald Ford once said “Making light of adversity brings out the best in us.” I happen to disagree with our former president as when you make light of adversity it certainly brings out the worst of us. We made light of the growing empire of Japan in the 1930’s as well as a growing terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda in the 1990’s and we payed the payed the consequences. How ever if you look at the results after we payed the consequences those results will prove that we perform at our best as a nation. When you look at the history of the United States you'll see that when we're forced to face adversity due to anger to we perform our best as a country and overcome the adversity we face on the domestic front and abroad. One example of facing adversity on the domestic front is when gay people wanted to have equal rights such as marriage and open love just like straight people do. This was achieved after homosexuals were angered by years of being discriminated. They faced adversity as the American social norm was to not be homosexual and being homosexual was frowned upon in …show more content…

After we took Japan lightly for so long and they finally attacked us we knew what they were capable of. We were thrown into a war threw anger against a nation with perhaps the most powerful navy in the world. Along with their navy their army and air force all working together took over half of the pacific ocean territories and rapidly approaching towards the territories of the United States. As a country we awoke a sleeping giant in us and in a matter of five years produced the most powerful military in the world as well as become the arsenal of democracy to the rest of the world. Doing this all thru the emotion of anger we defeated the empire of Japan as well as become the most powerful country in the world till this

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