Oprah Winfrey Characteristics

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There are not many people in this planet that can be identified simply by their first name and Oprah Winfrey is one of them. This woman has been called “arguably the world’s most powerful woman” by many. Commencing out as a talk-show host, to becoming the CEO of the Harpo group of companies, producer, the founder and editorial director of O Magazine, actress, television programming creator, an online leader through her website, a leading philanthropist, cofounder of the Oxygen cable network, producer, and recipient of numerous achievement and humanitarian awards. This woman is unquestionably the personification of the American dream where the concept of success and economic opportunity is achievable by anyone who is minded to work hard for what they want.

Oprah Winfrey had an arduous life growing up. She lived alone with her single mother, who was perpetually working aspiring to provide for her kids, for a number of years and …show more content…

It is not possible for one to become a celebrity without having characteristics that people will look up to. It is not possible for one to become a successful entrepreneur without being a leader. Which is why this woman’s leadership style is just as significant as her wealth. There is a number of very distinct traits in Oprah’s leadership style. Firstly, she is a very expressive and vocal person. She doesn’t put away her feelings and she doesn’t hide facts or realities of her life. This woman is transparent, speaks about her beliefs on everything as well as realities that can be hard to discuss or share. and speaks her mind. Her bluntness and openness is what gets her so close to individuals. Oprah isn’t just the head of the people in her company, she also leads the people that watch her shows, read her publications and connect with her in more ways than one across the

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