Ophelia's Tragic Flaw Of Hamlet

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The life of Hamlet is without a doubt very interesting, he suffers from unfortunate events in his time that are often major blows to his ego. His father dies while he’s away at college, Hamlet is next in line to be king until his “uncle-father” steals it from him; but it is to be known his “uncle-father” would not have stolen it if his “aunt-mother” hadn’t allowed it. It’s very apparent from the beginning of the play that he is very well obsessed with his mother and her doings. He harasses, humiliates, and abuses her because she has done such an unforgivable act by marrying Claudius. His thoughts and feelings towards his mother are very strong and well known, he even describes the odd pair as “little more than kin and less than kind.” That’s not all with Hamlet; his mother remarrying is just the tip of the iceberg so deeply rooted in the ocean of his emotions. His relationship with Ophelia is twisted, Hamlet goes through episodes of …show more content…

It causes me to wonder if he ever cared about them or was it just himself that he worried about. How he felt, what he wanted, things going his way, if I am thinking superficially yes I believe Hamlet was selfish and only cared about himself but if I am looking at the bigger picture I think not. The bigger picture is that back in the times of Hamlet there were no such findings like mental disorders. I pity Hamlet because anyone in their right mind would know he is sick. If he was a real person I would say he was suffering from Bipolar I (Manic Depressive disorder) and during the times of his mania he has symptoms like high energy, paranoia that he is being set up (which sometimes is right), impulsiveness, racing thoughts, and most importantly a loss of touch with reality, it’s also accompanied by episodes of depression where he has loss of motivation to get revenge and brooding thoughts of

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