One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Sociological Analysis

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The movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” was a great movie and showed many ways that it could be related to sociology. Elements such as deviance, social control, ritualism, rebellion, and secondary deviance. The movie was about a group of men that were inside of a mental intuition which after watching the movie, it was obvious that it was being referred to as the cuckoo’s nest. All of the men were there for many different reasons and one of the main characters entered the intuition as well. His name was McMurphy the reason he came into the mental institution was because he believed that it would be easier there than a prison work farm. Another reason he went to the mental institution was because he had a goal of staying focused and helping …show more content…

The term basically states that once a person is labeled by another he/she starts to get used to it and takes on that label. Meaning he/she starts to act as if he/she was everything that the person said he/she was. This is also known as self-fulfilling Prophecy. That could a good or bad thing, but in this case, it was a horrible thing. Inside of the mental intuitions men are labeled criminals, crazy, drug addicts etc. The definition of self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the terms of the prophecy itself. This can be because of positive feedback between behavior and belief. The men started to believe what they were being labeled as and that is how they ended up acting down to the label they began to believe and internalize. Locked inside of an institution with guys who barely spoke or knew where they were half of the time. Another way that the movie showed any example of secondary deviance was with Dr. John Spivey and McMurphy. Dr. John asked him, “Do you think there’s anything wrong with your mind really?” He wanted to label McMurphy as something, but there was nothing to label him as because there was not anything wrong with him. McMurphy didn’t want to be labeled, he knew that he was nothing like the other guys inside of the …show more content…

His name was Chief Bromden, he was a huge Indian man. All the guys and nurses thought that he was deaf and mute. After an hour into the movie, the audience learns that he isn’t deaf, nor mute. The first thing the audience ever heard him say was, “ah, Juicy Fruit.” This is a sign of being rebellion, which is rejecting both the cultural goals and the initialized means and substitute new norms for them. The reason that was an example of rebellion because he was lying all this time to everybody. There were many things that he heard that the guards probably thought he didn’t hear, but Chief probably didn’t want anything thing to do with

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