On Death Without Exaggeration Summary

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Life and Death

In Wislawa Szymborska’s poem, “On Death, without Exaggeration”, the idea of Death is assigned characteristics of Deaths waged war against numerous quantities of emerging life that, itself, destroys life. Szymborska grew up in Poland during the Second World War, she was surrounded by Death, in addition, the experiences she had helped her to cope with Death and remain hopeful. The poem seems to make the reader think Death is an inevitable part of life and in order to appreciate life one must accept Death. However, if you read closely in the last line of the second stanza, “which is always beside the point” (7), Death is revealed to be indifferent, not accepting. Szymborska uses persona, irony, and personification to create rich …show more content…

The technique she uses to steal Death’s power lies within her ability to ascribe weakness of Death’s personality. We see in first stanza how Death cannot do the things that living beings are capable of doing. Death does not exist in a tangible form and does not actually have a consciousness that can understand a joke, does not possess eyes to find a star, does not have hands to make a bridge, nor does it have the ability to create (1-4). The vivid imagery of Death Szymborska describes seems to take on the life of an insufficient or unintelligent serial killer (8-16). At the end of the poem, it is important that the author strips Death of the fear it places on other. When she says “Whoever claims that its omnipotent is himself living proof that it’s not”, she has taken the anxiety that Death is lurking around every corner, just as a murder, ready to take you as its …show more content…

Szymborska is fighting against the idea of Death having power over humanity by providing reasons not to let Death win, such as, laughing at the banality of Death. It isn’t something to be feared or revered. Szymborska points out all of Death’s misses, then she points out the beautiful things in life that thumbs its nose at Death. In the final lines of the poem, Szymborska writes, “As far as you’ve come / can’t be undone” (47-48). Although, Death means life has come to an end, life’s journeys and memories can never be erased; they will always be remembered. Ultimately, Death is meaningless in life and humanity has the advantage on Death. Life will always be more powerful than

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