Okemah Dean Short Biography

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When you think of baseball, what comes to your mind? Peanuts? Hot dogs? Shirtless people with their faces and body painted with the team they're rooting for? All of these things may be contenders to baseball, but what about the players? A great baseball player to think of would be Dizzy Dean. In my opinion, he was the best baseball pitcher in history! Jay Hanna Dean, also known as Dizzy, was born on January 16, 1910, in Lucas Arkansas. His parents were Albert Monroe Dean, a tenant farmer and sawmill worker, and Alma Nelson Dean. His Arkansas childhood was definitely not an easy one! His mother died from tuberculosis in 1918, and parental guidance from his father would be scarce due to long work hours. In 1920, the family moved to Yell County, and then later to Oklahoma, first to Purcell in 1924 and then to the Okemah and Spaulding are in 1926. Dean's school attendance became scarce following his mother's death, ceasing totally in 1926 when he joined the Army at age 16. There is some debate as to how Dean acquired the nickname “Dizzy,” though the generally accepted explanation is that is resulted from a 1927 …show more content…

The St. Louis Browns hired him the broadcast for them. In the middle of one of the games, Dean got frustrated and said, “Doggone it, I can pitch better than nine out of ten guys on this staff!” So he ended up pitching four innings allowing no runs, and he hit a single in his only at-bat. As he was rounding first base, he pulled his hamstring. He then ended up saying, “I said I could pitch better than nine out of ten guys on this staff, I can, but I'm done. Talking is my game now, and I'm just glad that muscle I pulled wasn't in my throat.” Dizzy Dean later became a well-known sportscaster. He would always use to sign off by saying, “Don't fail to miss tomorrows game!” He also used to always say, “If you can do it, It ain't

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