Oedipus is to Blame in Oedipus the King

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Oedipus is to Blame in Oedipus the King

In the story of Oedipus the King, Sophocles portrays the main character,

Oedipus, as a good natured person that has bad judgment and frailty. Oedipus

makes a few bad decisions and is condemned to profound suffering because of his

pride. I agree with Aristotle that he brings it all on to himself because of

his own personal pride.

One day Oedipus finds out that there is a prophecy that depicts him

killing his father and marrying his mother. The prophecy may have been proven

untrue if he wouldn't have put himself on such a high pedestal. It all started

one day when he met up with King Laius:

Seated in it. The groom leading the horses

Forced me off the road at his lord's command;

But as this charioteer lurched over towards me

I struck him in my rage...I killed him (1.2.764-772).

Oedipus met the King Laius on a bridge and was too proud to let him pass

first, and then the King pushed him out...

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