Oedipus Leadership Qualities

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Leadership! One of the best qualities a person can have. Showing that you can be a leader is well needed for some people, Because it lets them know what kind of person you are. In two different stories we meet creon and oedipus, Both of them show leadership qualities just differently than one another. Their leadership qualities are what partially get them their title as kings. In the beginning, we meet oedipus. Oedipus has strengths and weaknesses, just like all leaders do. He has a few more weaknesses than strengths, but some of his weaknesses helped him become a leader. You see in the book oedipus was given a tragic prophecy. It was said that he would kill his father and wed his mother. Not knowing that Polybus and Merope were not his …show more content…

The first one he shows is his strengths, by one taking in Oedipus children when he banished himself, and two by helping Oedipus with everything that happened. However when all this is happening, he manages to show us one weakness through it all. His weakness was the fact that he was a little afraid of all of these powers and responsibilities given to him on a surprise. As Creon grows over his fear he starts growing as a king, he starts showing more and more of his strengths and weaknesses. First his strength by putting his kingdom/ his people ahead of his friends, but also a weakness because he puts them above his family. You see Creon likes to make sure everyone listens to him, but does not want to listen when others have anything to say. He shows weakness by being arrogant and close-minded. In the story Creon kills Polynices and says that anyone who buries or moves the body shall be sentenced to death. Out of all the people in the city who buried the body, it was Antigone, Oedipus daughter. One thing Creon shows at this point is another one of his strengths, his will to not tolerate traitors. The only thing Creon could do was punish Antigone and sentenced her to death, but before he could decide she had hung herself. As Antigone bleeds out Poor Haemon stabs himself and lays beside her in a pool of blood, dead. When Eurydice hears the news about the death of Haemon she cuts her throat. All who had to die have now died. Only the Guards are left, and the tragedy does not matter to

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