Odysseus Downfall

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The gods ruined Odysseus’ crew’s lives by killing them. Odysseus and his crew landed on an island inhabited by cyclops. The main cyclops, Polyphemus, captured them and ate some of the crew. Finally, Odysseus and his men came up with a plan to escape. They got Polyphemos drunk and took a huge stick, warmed it up, and stabbed Polyphemos in the eye. They eventually escaped, but Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon.
“‘Hear me, Poseidon who circle the earth, dark-haired. If truly I am your son, and you acknowledge yourself as my father, grant that Odysseus, sacker of cities, son of Laertes, who makes his home in Ithaka, may never reach that home: but if it is decided that he shall see his own people, and come home to his strong-founded house

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