Nursing Is A Rewarding Career Essay

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The most rewarding occupation a person can have is being a nurse. Nursing is a rewarding career because you help others and change people's lives. A nurse can work in any medical office setting or hospital. Different specialties a nurse can work in include, neonatal, oncology, emergency and trauma, dialysis, holistic, geriatric, just to name a few. It does not matter what department a nurse works in, what they all have in common is the hands on, attention, and help they give other people. A major reason nursing is a rewarding career is that its primary role is helping others. Nursing is a rewarding career because they educate patients on diseases, assist with treatments, and listen to the patients concerns. One of the duties a nurse has is patient intake. In other words a nurse obtains information such as the complaint, and medical history from the patient. The nurse listens to the patients concerns and most importantly, makes sure the patient feels welcome. For example, a patient comes into the ER for a sick visit. That person you can assume is not feeling well. Your job as a nurse is to give that patient emotional support. In other words nurses address the patient with an understanding approach and in a gentle manner. The reward a nurse gets from this is establishing a trust and satisfactory experience for the patient. …show more content…

Nurses play the main role in the emotional state of the patient. They have the opportunity to change people’s lives and connect with a patient on a compassionate level. They show the patient emotional support by listening, understanding, and caring for the patient. Nursing careers entail more hands on dependence compared to that of other careers. Ultimately, nursing is a job for a compassionate, caring, empathetic, and a person who has great communication skills. The nursing field is truly rewarding because of the help you give the

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