Philosophy and Role of Compassionate Nursing

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The essence of nursing is based in commitment to public service and the undeniable desire to help those in need and those that are capable to care for themselves. Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient due to the fact that each patient is unique so, there should be a different plan of car for each. My philosophy of nursing assimilate the knowledge of medicine while combining it with relational, compassionate caring that regards the dignity of each patient. I believe nursing care should be holistic while honoring patient values. A crucial aspect of nursing is professional relationships, and collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals promote quality patient care. My personal belief system has always been to be compassionate and caring. In the nursing profession you need to have an overwhelming amount of compassion and caring for your patients and their families. You are not only caring for the patient's physical health, but also their emotional needs. For example, during Clinicals I worked in a cancer and stroke rehab center in Pineville, NC …show more content…

Many people value health because it goes hand in hand with the level of success one will have in life. The strength of your social, mental, emotional health directly relates to the level of happiness, satisfaction, and contentment you experience in life, as well as your overall health , well-being and productivity. Health is optimum in many things from playing a sport to finding a spouse other than in a hospital setting. When choosing teams for a football one would choose the heftier and for lack of better word the people that look the healthiest. Even when choosing a spouse many males look for females that look that the most youthful and healthy, vice versa. Without health man's purpose would be limited by their illness

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