Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's Disease

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Pam Belluck’s article entitled “Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer’s and Aging” focuses on the lives of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and a scientific experiment called the Nun Study. The Nun Study intends to find clues and answers about who gets Alzheimer’s disease and why. For fifteen years, these nuns have been tested on their ability to memorize, their strength, and even their genes have been analyzed. Dr. Snowdon’s research has theorized that a positive emotional state of mind earlier in life may lead to a longer, healthier life. But overall, a good portion of this article has little to do with scientific research, and much to do with the lives of nuns. The scientific research that the author does provide is not helpful in fully understanding this experiment. Belluck is not totally committed to this scientific study. Her main interest seems to be fixed on the lives of the nuns in this convent.

Pam Belluck’s fascination begins in her opening paragraph, where she avidly describes the convent. The description she presents gives the reader the perception that the article is going to portray the lives of nuns. She writes “…nuns attend Mass and murmur rosaries under a white vaulted dome.” The picture she paints in this statement describes a major daily activity in the convent, attending Mass. She is allowing the reader to assume that the article will be about convent life. Not once in her opening paragraph does she mention anything about a scientific study, the main intention of the article.

The author of this article then goes on to explain the scientific experiment, but she barely sites the scientific research performed. In the third paragraph of the article she writes, “And as they have died, their brains have been removed and shipped in plastic tubs to a laboratory where they are analyzed and stored in jars.” She tells the reader that the nuns’ brains are being researched, but she does not state the cause. What are the scientists trying to prove by analyzing these brains? She leaves this question unanswered. This article shows various signs of weakness in the area of scientific research. Another example of this is found towards the middle of the article when she goes on to explain the daily testing the nuns perform. They undergo physical and cognitive testing, and afterwards the nuns receive reports of their results to see if their performance has altered.

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