Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab

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2.1 What are the coordinates for the White House in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds? 38°53'51.47"N 77° 2'11.64"W 2.2 What are the coordinates for the Lincoln Memorial in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds? 38°53'21.36"N 77° 3'0.49"W 2.3 According to GE, what is the distance between the White House and the Lincoln Memorial? 1.6 Miles 2.4 What are the coordinate for Buckingham Palace in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds? 51°30'2.96"N 0° 8'35.12"W 2.5 According to your measurements in GE, what is the computed distance (in miles) between the White House and Buckingham Palace? 3,694 Miles 2.6 Why is the line curved rather than straight? What kind of distance is being computed here? The line is a curve because you are on the globe, which is a

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