Norma Mccorvey Case

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In 1970 a woman named Norma McCorvey who took a secret identify of "Jane Roe," filed a law suit challenging the Texas laws that criminalized abortion. Roe vs. Wade eventually reached the U.S. Supreme Court. This case was described as a pregnant woman who at the time wished to terminate her pregnancy by an abortion 'performed by a competent, licensed physician, under safe, clinical conditions'; that she was unable to get a 'legal' abortion in Texas. McCorvey claimed that the Texas statutes were unconstitutionally vague and that they abridged her right of personal privacy. Norma McCorvey states that her story is a lot more complicated than what is lead to the public eye. McCorvey says the she wasn’t full aware of all the facts in her case. McCorvey …show more content…

After her participation in many abortion movements in the early 90’s she began to work at abortion clinics McCorvey had no personal one on one experience with abortion until she took her new occupation. Norma McCorvey was so involved and willing to take part in this because she was emotionally confused and conflicted on if her choices she made were actually morally right. McCorvey worked for a clinic in Dallas around 1995. During this time McCovery had serious dramatic encounters between pro-life activists and herself. Norma McCovery was extremely uncomfortable and displeased by their presence. Strangely enough though over time she formed relations with many of these people. After becoming friend and forming relations with them she started to seriously doubt the morality of what abortion was. Norma McCorvey started to question the morality of abortion more when she formed an unlikely friendship with a 7 year-old who was a daughter of one of the pro-lifers. This young girls name was Emily Mackey. McCorvey started attending church and taking a look at what abortion really meant all upon Emily’s persistence and urging. McCorvey began to reject her past involvement with the pro-abortion

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