New Deal Dbq

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The New Deal is known for having the “3Rs” as goals to benefit the population, which stands for relief, recovery, and reform efforts made by the New Deal. However, in the beginning President Roosevelt wanted to add a “fourth R” which would stand for rodeo. This shows just how much of an effect the Great Depression had on the American economy and the people. The New Deal were programs and policies implemented by President Roosevelt that were aimed to give relief, recovery, and reform to combat the effects of the Great Depression. The New Deal was in place between 1933 and 1934, and in my opinion, the New Deal was as successful as it could have been for the timeframe it was in. To begin with it actually benefitted the economy of the United States …show more content…

The first program that shows this is the Indian Recognition Act of 1934. This act ended the sale of tribal lands and restored ownership of unallocated lands to Native American groups. The implementation of this act created greater senses of equality for two main reasons. First, it showed the Native Americans that the government would do their best to right the wrong doings of the previous American presidents. Second, it showed the American people that the Native Americans deserved to be treated with the same level of respect as any other group. The second program that enforced the idea of security with the American people was the Social Security Act. This act established a system that provided pensions for workers, survivors benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, and aid for defendant mothers and children as well as the blind and physically disabled. The impact of this act was massive. While it did exclude farm and domestic workers at first, the act helped millions of Americans feel secure, and the SSA eventually included all

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