Negative Effects Of The American Dream

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Traditionally the “American Dream” has been thought of as being married, having two kids, and living in a home with a white picket fence. However, in today’s society, the dream could simply be to build a successful life for one’s self in America. Changing social conditions have redefined the “American Dream.” My grandparents on my father’s side have lived in America for as long as anyone can remember. My grandmother was the daughter of a farmer in Massachusetts and my grandfather is one in a long line of war veterans. They moved to Florida when my dad was born, hoping to get away from the busy life of New York City, the place that they met and were wed. They bought a house, my grandfather found a job in the local airport, while my grandmother stayed home to attend to the house and care for her child. They were both happy, doing everything they could to make sure my father would have his shot at the pursuit of happiness. …show more content…

My grandma found work in an insurance company and my grandpa worked construction. My mom and her siblings learned English, went to school, and pushed themselves in order to find a home in this new community. I, nor anyone else, am not at liberty to say that one of these anecdotes does not fit the definition of the “American Dream” because the fact of the matter is that both are equally American. This new, modern society has ensured that. Although we have a history of immigration to the U.S., it is only recently that the government has given those people, people like my grandparents, equal opportunities so succeed. The goal may not necessarily be to make a fortune and buy a big house; for many the idea is simply to find a job and live life in a way that provides happiness and

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