Negative Attitude toward Women

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Negative Attitude toward Women Carol Bark was in the first class of West Point, which is Military academy, located north of New York city. During the first year, she often heard back the negative words, “Mornin’ bitch” after greeting “Good morning sir” to her upperclassmen. Those men did not respect Carol Bark because they must have thought that she was weak and impossible to handle harass environment in being trained even though the fact was not true. For many decades, many society and cultures have overlapped the idea that men and women play different roles in life due to biological differences between the sexes. Thus, they support men more than women. In their article, “Sex Roles,” Hamilton McCubbin and Barbara Blum Dahl advocate, “ Feminists believe that traditional sex roles are used to keep women in their (disadvantaged) place.” Similar to many authors embrace and support traditional sex roles through their books and movies. Twilight is one of the examples of this. Thus, Twilight reinforces stereotypical gender roles by portraying a supernatural strong male vampire, Edward, who has the capacity to protect and control his weak and submissive human, Bella; as a result, the author tries to show us that men and women are not equal in society due to their gender and sexuality. Every culture has different social expectations for men and women. Most of the time traditional norms or stereotypical gender roles are created by society. What they observe seem to be true and convince others to believe it; as a result, the “script” come from stereotypical gender roles about masculine and feminine nature: Hamilton McCubbin and Barbara Blum Dahl states clearly, “men should be brave, strong, ambitious, and aggressive, while keeping the... ... middle of paper ... ...e biggest problems of humans, and people feel fear about this. For instance, before Bella had become a vampire, she wanted to become a vampire so badly in order to stay with Edward forever. When she turned a vampire after she had died due to giving birth, she had sex with Edward and said that vampires do not need to sleep because we do not feel tired at all. Today we have seen a lot of aging women and men undergo to plastic surgery in order to improve their physical looking. The authors of Twilight books and movies understand the humans’ desires, and they want us to know that the world we live today is just a temporary life. They believe that humans will have an internal life after we die, so they try to convince and encourage us that we should accept the limitations of human life and even inequality between sex roles because we will live happiness in later life.

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