Navy Flag Research Paper

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Sir, I feel that the “Don’t Give Up The Ship” flag, that was flown on Oliver Hazard Perry’s ship during the battle of Lake Erie, needs to be kept in the museum; as it holds the historic relevance of the US Navy during the 1800’s and beyond. The flag was originally made in 1813,the Georgian era, making it 204 years old. This flag not only represents and inspires the midshipman of the Naval Academy, but it has been an inspiration to all sailors over the past 204 years. When you walk into the museum after visiting the second deck the first thing you see is this flag and you can’t miss it. The brown color with the spotting of the blue makes you realize just what those five words actually mean. I feel it was placed here, at the Naval Academy, for …show more content…

Navy and the Naval Academy in order to instill in Midshipmen a knowledge of the history and heritage of the U.S. Navy and the Naval Academy and to supplement the instruction of all academic departments of the Academy, as well as to demonstrate to the public the contributions of Academy graduates to the military services and to the Nation. And to motivate in young people a desire to become part of the Brigade of Midshipmen and to begin a career of service to their Nation.” With that being said, this artifact holds the values of the museum inside its tightly woven strands. The flag holds not only saw the battle on Lake Erie, but it has also been thru the Civil War. Where it was traveled from maryland to Newport, Rhode Island and back again. It has hung in Mahan Hall (1912-1924), Memorial Hall (1924-2002), and now to Preble Hall (2002-present). As you can see this artifact holds lot of history, and to remove this object from such a great place would be insane. To paraphrase mission statement of the museum states: It is there to encourage young men and woman to become part of this brigade, as well as to motivate those that already are here and encourage those fighting

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