National Honor Society Letter Sample

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Dear National Honors Society Selection Committee, It is a tremendous honor to be considered for membership in the most prestigious Honor Society available at Wapato High School. It is even more grand to be able to work towards enrollment in the Society side by side with such an astoundingly gifted group of young men and women. I am only being considered for potential membership in the National Honors Society because I have demonstrated an exemplary academic attitude, and have proven this through the grades I have attained during the years I have spent in the Wapato School District and the fondness amongst my teachers I have achieved. There are also other characteristics besides good scholarship I must fill for membership in the Society, those being services I have done to benefit others in the community, leadership positions I have held, and an original and interesting demonstration of …show more content…

Thus, explaining the criteria I must meet, I wish to give unto you a detailed account of my qualifications for gaining membership in the National Honors Society. The first requirement for consideration is an overall outstanding grade point average and the ability to maintain or improve upon that grade throughout my high school career. I believe I have done more than express my deep desire to achieve beyond that of my peers in and out of the classroom, and continue to do so to this day. When first appearing in the Wapato School system in the 7th grade, I had immense trouble maintaining any good grades. Now, I don’t blame this on anybody but myself, as I was never told throughout my childhood leading up to then that I should pay attention to my schoolwork. I know this may seem hard to believe, but I was simply considered more

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