Narrative Essay On The Holocaust

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One cold, snowy night in the Ghetto I was woke by a screeching cry. I got up and looked out the window and saw Nazis taking a Jewish family out from their home and onto a transport. I felt an overwhelming amount of fear for my family that we will most likely be taken next. I could not go back to bed because of a horrid feeling that I could not sleep with. “Wake up Lily! The Germans are taking us!” yelled my mother. I jumped out of bed and packed a bag full of valuables and clothing. “Where are they going to take us?” my 7 year old brother Dominique asked nervously. “I do not know,” my father replied. My mom was dressing my 3 year old sister Nia when we heard the Germans banging on the door, “Open up!” Father opened the door, in the hall we saw three guards all armed with …show more content…

“I love you, I’m going to stay with your father and Nia, she can’t survive out there,” she sadly said. “I want to live too!” cried my 3 year old sister. I thought to myself “She is only 3 how does she understand what is happening?” We all hugged one last time before jumping I could not believe that this would be the last time I would ever see my family. Dominique and I went to the edge of the Freight car and we counted down, “1...2...3!” As we jumped the only thing I could hear was the shot of a rifle and a short cry from Dominique. Once I got up from the frigid snow I looked to my left and saw the dead corpse of my brother Dominique. I broke down crying “Why did they do this, why do they hate us so much!” I did not have time to cry I had to run into the woods before they shot at me. It was getting dark so I headed to the train station to catch a train to France to get away from the Nazis and live with my Grandparents. I thought to myself while on the train, Why did Hitler do this to the Jews and why would anyone do the things they did to human

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