Narrative Essay About Martial Arts

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I began martial arts in the summer of 2013, and little did I know that it would become such a major part of my life. The original plan was sole to enroll my younger brother in martial arts, as my mother believed that he needed discipline and routine. However, I desperately wanted to join, and I implored her until she allowed me to try out a free class. I still recollect the nervousness and exhilaration I felt on my first day. It began on a lovely summer afternoon, mild temperatures, clear azures and a slight breeze in the air. My mom drove through town, me in the backseat, and pulled into a parking lot adjacent to a rather plain looking white building. In the front were two windows, a neon open sign hanging from the right window, and two doors. …show more content…

For a warm-up, the instructor ordered us to do a pyramid of five, which he explained as five push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks, then four, three, etc. all the way down to one and backup. It was more arduous than expected because I was not in shape at the time. Now, I am able to complete a pyramid of ten without a problem. Following our warm-up, we did several stretches. I did not speak to anyone throughout the entire class. Next, our instructor built an obstacle course. First, a person must jump over a plastic bar and do a forward roll. Then they run up to an instructor and block three attacks with a club, for which the instructor demonstrated the hard blocking system. It presented few difficulties, and I had it memorized by the end of class. After blocking, the person must perform a technique on a punching bag. I obviously knew no techniques yet, and thus I was taught defensive maneuver one, a technique that involves defending against a person that is charging at you. The instructor of …show more content…

At the end of class everyone bowed to the flag and the instructor, and relaxed with eyes closed for a few minutes. By its finish, my initial nervousness faded, and I had a lot of fun. I am still doing martial arts to this day, and I am grateful for having been given the opportunity to do it. It was my first sport and an important event in my life. It allowed me to escape my shell and make new friends. My taking classes eventually led to my mom trying it and becoming a paid

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