Myers Briggs Test Analysis

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The first personality test I took was the Myers Briggs Test where the results took me quite by surprise. The results stated that I was fifty eight percent extroverted, and forty-six percent introverted. In addition, the results said I was fifty-six percent intuitive, while I sensed fifty percent of the time. The test also found that I was seventy-one percent an individual who felt, and fifty percent a person who thought and last but not least, the results also said that I perceived fifty four percent of the time, while I almost equally judged fifty-three percent of the time. In the end, I was categorized as ENFP or more specifically as a journalist. As for the Holland Orientation: Career Value Scale, out of the six interest areas, creating …show more content…

As I started to further analyze myself I realized that as much as I enjoy being alone and in my own thoughts, I also find pleasure in helping, talking, and guiding people. Furthermore, I do agree that I am someone who goes with their heart rather than with the decision that may seem to be the most rational. I think it is important to express one’s feelings because that is the only way you can live an honest life. I do not like lying to people or hiding things from people because I think honesty is the best policy. As an ENFP, I think it is true that we are charismatic, blunt, authentic, and spontaneous individuals. Nonetheless, I believe that the Myers Briggs Test described me …show more content…

I do not necessarily think that to be creative, and insight originality you have to be free of rules. Moreover, before entering college, I relied heavily on others, but when I came to college I realized that if you wanted to go after something, you cannot wait for someone to also want to do it because people will not always have the same goals or aspirations as you. I am someone who enjoys being in my own thoughts, because I feel that it only helps my imagination grow. Also, I never really saw myself as a leader, so it was surprising to see that most of the jobs were manager, top executives, and administrator. This has been a bit of an eye opener, because it helped me see that I should not doubt my abilities. I think deep down I know that I can be a great leader, but I shy away from the idea because I am afraid to fail and one of my biggest fears is failing. Another interesting thing about the results were that I was considered a persuader, which means that I like to lead, motivate, and influence others. To be more specific, my friends always tell me that I am very good a giving advice and listening to others. The majority of these results were similar to the Myers Briggs Test that I took, so I would say that these tests are helpful because they helped me see something in myself that I never

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