My World of Reading and Writing

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My World of Reading and Writing

Learning to read has been a great gift to me, I would have been lost without it. I started out young with a passion for books. Any type of story would do, scary or friendly, as long as I could picture what was happening. I hated books with pictures because it took away from my imagination. I loved letting my imagination run wild with every detail.

Growing up my parents encouraged my passion for reading. They bought me all the children's books I wanted. I would read almost every night before bed, filing my dreams with princesses and heroes. From then on I could not put a book down. I yearned to learn more about what was hidden deep within the pages. I loved trying to figure out different ways the story could end, it made the story more interesting.

In school I was given a library card, boy did it ever open up a world of wonder. Once a week the book mobile would come to school and I would be allowed to sort through a variety of books for the perfect one. The best thing was that my neighbor worked on the book mobile and when I returned home from school, she would have extra books for me to read. I could also go to the public library and check out as many books as I wanted, for it has tons of books to sort through.

My passion grew as I grew older. I would curl up on my bed at night, alone with the radio on, and escape from the hectic day I had. My taste in books also changed from make believe fairy-tails to mystery and truth. Life in the past fascinates me and not just any, but Indians, Quakers and the Holocaust. I love learning about the trials and tribulations of people in history and how they over came them.

Reading all around opens my mind to a whole new world. It shows...

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... become so frustrated and can not think of something to write, I change the subject for awhile. I write down my feeling which in turn gets my juices flowing. I become more relaxed and it allows me to focus on what I have to say in the paper. My mind opens up. Everything seems to be much clearer and things begin to flow and the paper gets finished in one day with the exception of having to proofread and tying up the loose ends.

All together I have learned a lot about reading and writing. Things seem much more interesting in the world because I am able to learn about what is taking place. I have a way to learn about different places and people, even write letters to others who are from a different country. I believe that life is much simpler with the knowledge of knowing how to read and write, for the lines of communication between people is crucial to survival.

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