My Trip To Hawaii-Personal Narrative

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From the outside, the water looked murky, once we were in the water it was clear and beautiful with coral and fish all around me. My family and I are in Hawaii about to go on an amazing adventure.
Our adventure began when we arrived at this guy’s home. In order to get to the beach, we had to cross his home. This was no ordinary home, this guy lived in a tent in a forest. My mom was curious and wanted to explore the house. We heard chickens clucking so we went to find them. When we found them it felt like there were billions of chickens everywhere and it looked like there were hundreds of baby chicks following their mothers. When we got to the end of our tour we walk to a hill. We had to go down to get to the beach, it was covered in …show more content…

We climbed down carefully. About half way down we picked a spot to sit. After we got our goggles and snorkel gear on we headed to the water. The water was calm and looked like ice. It was murky, I was ready to dive in and explore. I dipped my feet into the freezing cold water. We snorkeled to where there were a lot of different types of corals, fish started to pop out. Everywhere we looked we saw different corals. Some were spiky, some were yellow and different shades of blue. I was shocked because I have never seen blue coral before. There were different types of fish all around me. We were looking for a yellow tang. After I0 minutes of searching, we finally found the yellow tang. As we were swimming along we found an eel hiding in the coral. As the eel slithered up to me, I started to panic. I started to swim away then I looked back and saw that the eel was following me. I was worried that it would bite my leg so I started to swim away faster. After a few seconds the eel quit chasing me and darted back down to its cave, I was relieved. When I was swimming I stood up and a coral was under me. I kicked the coral then got a cut it burned a lot, so I decided to get out of the

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