My Strongest Areas Of Wellness

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Wellness is becoming aware of your physical and emotional state of being and making better choices for a better life. There are different categories of wellness, including social, occupational, spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental, and financial. My strongest performing areas of wellness are intellectual and physical. My weakest areas of wellness are financial, occupational, and emotional. All the categories of wellness affect each other and the level of a person's performance overall. Intellectual and physical are my strongest categories of wellness. I strive to be more knowledgeable of the world and to make more creations of unique art. I find that I am able to analyze and comprehend documents, data, and articles well. I also have a creative mind and huge imaginations. I love to write, read, and draw; my creativity and precision of drawing details contribute to these passions. Sciences such as biology, chemistry, and astronomy fascinate me, and gathering data and my goal for more discoveries contributes to this. Occupational, financial, and emotional are my weakest categories of wellness. I do not have a job yet, I am bad at handling money, and I have problems with self-care. The closest thing I have to a job is when I help at …show more content…

Decisions that are based on certain categories can affect the result in another category. Financial decisions may affect how well you do in your job, or occupation. Feelings and thoughts, or emotions, can affect how you perform in social conditions. Your performance in social instances could affect your occupation, and thus impact your financial standpoint. The other dimensions of wellness are linked together and affects what happens in the end. Neglecting one of these categories could totally change the outcome of a situation. The change in a situation may be good, but sometimes it changes for

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