My Miracle

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My Miracle

"Dad, I need to go to Hailey's to borrow a shirt for school tomorrow," I shouted from the back room. It had been a hard week for me. My cheerleading squad was preparing for a performance, and we had been practicing before and after school. While I waited for an answer from my dad, the game show, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," sounded in the background. "Dad, I am going to run to Hailey's real quick," I repeated my shout.

A reply came: "It's snowing pretty hard, wait for my show to end and I will take you. I am on my way to the store anyway." I looked out the window to see snow coming down pretty heavy. On any other day, I would have argued to leave right away, but for some reason I didn't argue. Ten or fifteen minutes later, however, I decided I really needed to go.

I said, "Mom just take me, I have a lot of stuff to do tonight." My mom said she didn't want to drive on the bad roads. "Wait for your dad," she told me. So I waited.

Finally, the show ended and we were on our way out the door. The roads were slippery and the snow was coming down hard. I looked out the windows of the car and in my mind, I heard my mom reminding me to slide the seat away from the dashboard. I chuckled to myself that a seventeen-year old would be too small to sit with an airbag, but I was. As I slid the seat back, my dad asked, "Cara is your seat belt on?" I fastened my seat belt and stared at the snow. It was a peaceful night; it felt quiet and serene. It felt good to have a few minutes of alone time with my dad. We were lost in conversation, and before I knew it we were in front of Hailey's house. I ran in and waved goodbye to my dad. I found the shirt I wanted, and played a game with Hailey and her sisters while we waited for my dad. We joked about my mismatching outfit that consisted of doctor scrubs, a football sweatshirt, and snow boots. While we were laughing, I noticed the headlights in the driveway and hurried out.

I excitedly explained the game we had played to my dad as we drove away from Hailey's house.

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