My Influences On My Worldview

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Humans have struggled for decades to understand humanity itself and the divergent thinking and understanding of life. All humans are different and it’s hard to understand what we are because we have all had different experiences throughout life. Our view of the world is caused by the society and millenia we grew up in. Our worldview is not something that we can just have in one day it is something that we’ve been surrounded by our whole life and that has shaped the way we see the world now. Although we may not be conscious of it we do know that it is within us. Everyday is a change of our worldview whether it be good or bad it is constantly changing from experiences, family, culture, society and social media. It’s hard to distinguish my influences that shaped my worldview but the three that have impacted me the most are my experiences, family and friends, and the community I grew up in. A major influence on my worldview would be my personal experiences, value and beliefs that go along with that. I experienced all of these and found that they have really shaped me into who I am today. I …show more content…

We’ve been friends for about 4 years now and have had our ups and downs but also many memories. Autumn has social anxiety and also used to deal with depression and when we were friends and whenever we hung out in public places I was constantly worrying how she was feeling.Until we really became good friends she started to get comfortable and truly enjoy our time together. Autumn doesn’t get depressed or have anxiety often and it has changed me too, because I saw that one person can really impact someone's life by just being there for them and help them through things that they couldn’t get through alone. It also made me realize that I wanted a job where I could help people and make them feel welcome in this world. She helped me get an idea of what I wanted to do in the future and made me more aware of other

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