My Ideal Education Essay

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Education will always be the deciding probability on whether their generation’s future will be a superior one. This is why we need to establish a sense of maturity, intellect and motivation in the students through their education. And in order to do that we must teach them to be free-thinkers and imaginative and not hold them back like the education system is doing now. The ideal education system to me would be one that does not restrict the student’s imagination, thoughts, or ideas and does not stress the students out to the point there is an increasing amount of students with depression and anxiety. The student should not feel oppressed and should not have thoughts of suicide, they should be enjoying their education and should have a bright future ahead of them. The teachers play a pivotal role in the students’ education as a whole, they are the people that can make or break their attitudes toward their education. For example, I had this one Spanish teacher that would not get up and teach us the …show more content…

The first change I would make to the education is to improve the teachers, even if it means careful evaluation and the termination of many teachers. This is in the best interest of the students, so what needs to be done, should be done. Teachers are very important to the future generation’s welfare, so they need to be as effective as possible. They need to do more than give bookwork, they need to teach their curriculum, they should also teach their students what everything means and its significance like Paulo Freire suggests in The “Banking” Concept of Education. Thinking about schools as a whole, I believe they should be established in respect to Montessori’s ideas. Students should be able to choose the classes they attend to keep them eager and interested. This also helps the student get a more specialized education in high school to prepare them better for their future college major or

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