My Hundred Children

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Have you ever wondered what the titles of books mean? In the book, My Hundred Children, by Lena Kuchler-Silberman, she uses the title to give a hint on what the book will be about. This title is very descriptive and gives you many thoughts before you actually read the story. When I first chose this book to read, it caught my attention by not only the picture, but by the title. My first idea was that the book was about a lady who adopted and took care of one hundred children. Many thoughts rushed through my mind about what this book could possibly be about. However, I soon realized that this is why she chose this specific title. She had many reasons of choosing the title My Hundred Children, and some were to make you wonder, to describe the story, and to show the moral of the story.

Lena Kuchler-Silberman had lost her family during the Holocaust and was trying to find a reason to live after they died. She soon started an orphanage for one hundred Jewish children who were homeless and had watched their parents die. When I first grabbed the book and witnessed the title for the first time, I had no clue that was the meaning of My Hundred Children. Lena chose this title to make people wonder and that's exactly what …show more content…

When an individual first sees the title of any book they have no clue what the book will be about. However, that's the whole point for authors such as Lena. She wants her readers to wonder so they will be persuaded to read the book to find out what happens. Also, she uses the title to describe the book in a whole by giving a clue about the hundred children. Lastly, one of the biggest concepts she portrays is by revealing the moral of the story through the title. Clearly, acquiring an exceptional title could help the reader understand the book a great

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