My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative

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Every once a year my family and I decide where to go for a vacation over the summer. This past summer we decided to go on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico.Our vacations are usually just by plane or by car, but this year my parents wanted to make it interesting and suggested that we go on a cruise. The next day we bought our tickets, parked our car in the lobby , and started up the escalating stairs to be approved. The moment I stepped into the ship I could feel the wave of adventure pushing me down with excitement. We then got into our room, and a sudden noise of the ship’s horn blasted with a loud “HOOONK!” ,which meant that the ship was about to depart. Hours later we arrived at our destination. We soon hurried to evacuate the ship and started to explore the scenic, alluring places. Then along the coastline we initiated our way to the beach to find seashells, but I didn’t want to leave.I just stayed there enjoying myself telling my parents”I will come!” Well, I didn’t go. …show more content…

Still thinking that my parents are still here I glimpse around to show them my seashell, but I find my parents gone! Hurriedly I tried to scan the crowd for any sign of my parents.I was panicking and scared;I didn’t want to lose them! Not knowing what to do I ran everywhere to find them. Stranded on the small island,I ran back and forth across the harbor

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