My Future Plans As A Biomedical Scientist

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My future plans are to become a biomedical scientist. Biomedical scientists serve in all levels of health science research from basic science working with cell cultures to human clinical trials experimenting the most cutting-edge breakthroughs to maximize human quality of life. I am interesting in researching rare diseases. There are many rare diseases that affect small proportions of the population and unfortunately go unnoticed for reason. Unfortunately, usually it is because therapeutic agents for these diseases would have a much smaller market than therapeutics for common diseases. There is an immense need for research attention to ultimately improve clinical outcomes in patients of rare diseases because many are a lifelong chronic prognosis and are genetic and non-modifiable by lifestyle factors and are lacking of often absent of current treatment options. The government helps by socializing the solution by having money set aside by public National Institute of Health (NIH) to research ‘orphan diseases’. An example of one such program from the NIH is Orphan Products Natural History Grants Program.
Epidemiology research, understanding of study design and methods, hypothesis formation, and writing a scientific poster help me develop pertinent research skills to success in a future in biomedical science. I aim to earn a Ph.D. in biomedical science and continue in health science that will positively impact the population. I believe that public health can fit together with biomedical science to find insight to molecular mechanisms and complex understanding of what diseases are seen in research fields like epidemiology. I am passionate about public health and epidemiology foci of nutrition so working on a project to prevent and dec...

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...or employment in food science, medicine, pharmacy, optometry, public health, epidemiology, nutrition science research, or nutrition policy.
My field practicum at the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center Nutrition Support Shared Resource would be a great experience for other students interested in public health, epidemiology, cancer prevention, and population dietary assessment. It would not be as relevant to students interested in clinical dietetics or food service because clients, patients, or customers are not interacted with and no food is served.
The field experience was very effective in progressing myself professionally. My next steps will be to further my research training. I plan to enter a Ph.D. program in a biomedical science as my next academic step. I will likely begin study at John A. Burns School of Medicine in cell and molecular biology in August 2016.

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