My First Generation Immigrants

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“I am a first generation immigrant and a woman, but I don't really write about that because I feel like I'm a human being. There are universal human experiences.” (“Evelyn Rodriguez”). As a first generation woman myself, I can relate to the notion that I am more than my background. While there are universal experiences people go through, my cultural experience is something that sets me apart from others. I believe that it is essential for me to find the balance between assimilating into American culture while keeping my cultural identity. I was raised in a Nepalese household, where the internal setting of my home was different from the external setting of the predominately white and Christian suburb I grew up in. My parents wanted me to still recognize Nepalese culture, even though I was not living there. My dad would always give lectures on the significance of certain Nepalese holidays and make sure the entire family celebrated each and every holiday. My …show more content…

I, however, have had everything handed to me on a silver platter. Everything from my citizenship to my car, comes from the sacrifices my parents have made. The pressure on first generation children of immigrants to prove you were worth your parents' sacrifice stays with you your entire life. In order to give back to my parents, I plan on getting into a good college and finding a career that will provide comfort for both my parents and myself. I also plan on keeping my cultural identity and sharing my heritage with the next generation. I believe that my cultural identity is something I must preserve. I realize now that my culture is what sets me apart from others. The struggle of learning to preserve my identity as a second generation Nepalese- American will be one that I will have forever. However, this does not prevent me from finding a balance between the two worlds that I am apart

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