My Experience Of My Visit To Hong Kong

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In the Summer of 1985, I went on an amazing and fascinating trip, which I will never forget. It was the year my mom and grandma decided I was old enough to know about my heritage and background. Afterwards, they announced that I am going to stay one week in San Francisco and then travel to Hong Kong.
Staying one week in San Francisco was pleasant, in the fact that I visited my cousins, but my end destination was Hong Kong. We took a night flight and stayed a couple hours at the Taiwan airport to transfer to another airplane. I was frightened that the airplane would take off without us, but luckily nothing happened. Inside the airplane I was so excited, I kept asking my annoyed mom and grandma “Are we there yet.” In my memory, the view of the airplane, the night of Hong Kong was gorgeous and spectacular.
The next day I woke up, my mom and uncle took me to visit my father's family. I was eager to meet them and glad I finally had the chance to visit my father's parents. My grandma was very sweet and nice. She gave me a 24-karat gold necklace with the heart pendant …show more content…

It had the best view of Hong Kong, especially when riding the tram downhill. At such as height, you can see the high rising buildings and the body of water that separates Hong Kong and Kowloon. After riding the tram, my grandma and I went shopping and when I saw a butterfly necklace, I asked her if I can get it. She said okay, and I can keep the necklace as a keepsake or a memorable trip to the Victoria Peak. Next, to the necklace store, there was a shop where you can pretend to be a historical person. My grandma wanted me to dress up as a princess. So I picked a pink dress with a white ribbon around it, all the while wishing I could take it home. After dressing, the photographer took a picture of me with my grandma. Before we could go home, she took the picture and went to a photo place to enlarge it so that she could place the photo in the living

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