My Childhood Memories of Snuggle-time

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It would be safe to say that I was never deprived of television as a child. My parents were firm believers that television had both an educational and entertainment purpose. In my family, watching television and home videos was not just entertainment, it was a way of spending time together, laughing together, and conversing together. I have vivid memories of one night which occurred many years ago. It was freezing outside and my bother and I were sitting on the family room couch. We watched intently through the patio door as the snow fell hard in our back yard. In the background however, was the most important part, the television. It was loud, and the evening news update was just about to return from a commercial break. This was not just any update, this was the update that would tell my sister and I whether or not we had to go to school the next day. It was back, and flashing across the bottom of the screen was the list of school closings. Yes, County School System, no school! Although we were very young, we somehow knew that staying home from school because of snow was a ve...

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