Movies vs Books

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Movies and books are good entertaining items we use almost every week or everyday but they also have their own differences and similarities about various things. Time is important and you need to use it wisely but people have also have to relax and both movies and books are common relaxing activities. Books takes more time than movies but most people still seems to like books more. The plot and the image is also an important factor in both movies and books and it also makes it more exciting and fun to read or watch but the most important thing is, what is better, books or movies? Some people is busy every time, everyday but some is free and likes to relax and enjoy their every moment which would mostly include reading and watching a movie. Books takes much more time to read than watching a movie, some people thinks that the books increase the time of entertainment and it’s better than books but some people thinks that it’s just a waste of time. What do you think? When you watch a movie you have to do many things before going into the theater and actually watching it for example, yo...

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