Movie Analysis of Romeo Must Die

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The movie, “Romeo Must Die”, is an action packed drama that adapts William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” into a more modern perspective with a twist that deviates from the original plot. Han Sing, played by the actor Jet Li, resembles Romeo, where as Trish O’Day, played by the actress Aaliyah, resembles Juliet. Fate causes them to meet when Trish jumps into the taxi Han hi-jacks. As Han is in search of the person that killed his brother, he learns that Trish may have a connection and begins to pursue her. These action packed scenes are filled with all types of explosives, gun fire, and kung-fu. One of the scene was when Han gets captured and says, “Let me go and I let you live”, but the gang laughs at the thought of one Asian defeating about nine of them. Han gets free and fights them while dodging bullets and using the objects around him to his advantage. One of the objects he finds is a fire hose that he uses to blast the guns off their hands. He even uses the fire hose as a spear, a chain, a whip, and even a mace. As “Romeo” escapes, he goes to look for his “Juliet...

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