Motivation Of Motivation For Education

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Motivation: Besides already knowing what I’ve wanted to do since I was in the eighth grade, I have always been drawn to education in a way that it has motivated me to keep moving forward. Also on a personal side now that I am pregnant with our first baby, I feel that it is an obligation for me to be the person that our children look up to when it comes to schooling. Accordingly, I have a few reasons to be motivated to continue my education and I would say that the main reason would be for our children. I have always been afraid to fail, especially when it comes to schooling, I may have gotten good grades in high school, but that is because I worked hard so that when I graduated I could pursue college and be successful at it. Becoming an elementary …show more content…

My main purpose of achieving a degree may seem main stream, but who doesn’t want to take a step to bettering their self’s. No matter how much I get paid when I achieve my bachelors I will be happy with what I am doing, and to me that is the main purpose of pursuing a degree to become what you enjoy doing the most in life. I just happen to love helping the next generation as they become older and accomplish their own goals so that in the future they will be the ones getting a college degree and to me the first step that we all took in education was elementary school. No matter how under paid or how under recognized teachers go I will always think that I am serving a higher purpose when I teach the little ones their …show more content…

Therefore I have had plenty of time to prepare and think of all the outcomes that could happen even the bad ones and the great ones. Furthermore my family has always been expecting me to pursue this college career for a long while which has helped tremendously in preparing them to accept that I am taking the initiative in my life and pursuing college. I have always been worried that online learning was going to be difficult for me considering I struggled to get good grades in high school. I have found that I may have found my niche in taking schooling and it happened to be what I was most scared about, online classes. I have taken online college classes in the past which has shown me the ways of online learning and has helped me develop a few patterns and habits to help me better understand online classes. Due to being in the military my finances don’t exactly take play when it comes to my college because I am given tuition assistance that pays for my college, if there were to be a problem I have applied to fasfa as a backup plan to my tuition assistance. Also, my husband and I have been very financially conscious because we know that anything can happen when it comes to college expenses. Therefore my family, such as my husband, has been more than prepared for my

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