Motivation: Itchy Uniform And The Grumpy Worker

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A daily activity I dislike is my serving job. There is some good parts but bad parts overrule it. It isn't fun doing an every day thing that isn't making you harpy. Being a waitress, what a joy waking up early with the rooster calls! Between waking up at 5 or the grumpy customers, who knows which is worst. There is the grumpy customers who complain and then don't tip. When waking up all I want is a rude customer and no tip right? The itchy uniform and the lazy staff it is just terrible. It is so early the sun hasn't even raised yet. And the work environment is just negative most times. If the people were nice than the job would be enjoyable. Having people tip me would also be better. I don't think waking up early to be get $3 and hour and no

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