Monotheistic Religion

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Monotheism has been defined as the belief in the existence of only one god that created the world.
Christianity and Judaism are both examples of monotheistic religions. The similarities and differences of
Christianity and Judaism is also covered in depth. The definition of monotheism underlines and covers the religious groups, Christianity and Judaism.
A monotheistic religion based on the life, miracles and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is Christianity. It’s known by Christians as “Messiah” or the Christ, who is the main point of the Christians faiths. The name for god in Christianity is god. The relation of Jesus Christ and god is that Jesus is known as “the son of god”.
Most Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Christ, the long awaited Messiah, as well as the son of god. He …show more content…

Jerusalem is important to Christians as it is the place of Jesus was brought as a child. Furthermore, Jesus preached and healed in Jerusalem. Jesus was a Jew who was baptised by John the Baptist and subsequently began his own ministry. The beliefs of Jesus show or elaborate that he was conceived by the holy spirit and was born of a Virgin Mary. The holy places that connects and brings together the belief and religious group, Christianity include Nazareth, which was considered as Jesus home town, Bethlehem which was where Jesus’s birth occurred, Cana which was where Jesus had done his first miracle, which was water into wine, and finally Al-Maghtas which was where
Jesus was baptised. Jerusalem was where Jesus had been crucified. Crucifixion is a method of capital punishment where the victim is nailed or tied to a large wooden beam and left to hang for several days until eventual death from exhaustion. A central narrative in in Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus, and the cross is the main religious symbol for many Christian churches.
Jerusalem is the holy city where Jesus was bought as a child. At this time they thought it was the centre

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